
  • Katherine Zorensky

    Katherine Zorensky

    Melekai is a rare breed of deeply embodied feminine love and a fierce yet grounded engagement with life. She leaves no stone unturned in her quest to know truth, to own all aspects of her shadow, and to fully integrate the Divine Feminine frequency she has anchored in her body into all her relations and endeavors. She has an innate love for others, and a natural capacity to bring harmony and depth into communal and healing circles. I have witnessed her for nearly half a decade, as one of her chosen ‘guides’ in her honest and thorough inquiry and action into truth. I have deep respect for her holding the sanctity of life, trust in her intuitive knowing and being, and so much love for a woman who bridges the challenges of human lover, mother, sister, daughter, and friend in an exquisitely divine and humble way.

  • Katherine Zorensky

    Audrey Ichida

    Melekai embodies trust and open-hearted relating. She is fiercely authentic and will speak what she sees with gentle kindness, free of shame and judgement. Do not expect to hide your radiance or your shadow in her presence. When I spend time with her I see more facets of myself and find new ways to love myself.

  • Katherine Zorensky

    Neil Steven Cohen

    To me, Melekai is a very genuine and authentic human being, whom I naturally trust and open to. This is a compliment to and validation for her empathy, care and compassion. She has also studied professionally with me (Integrative Awakening) for a number of years. Melekai has been very sincere and dedicated to her personal inner work and mastering the 'navigational' skills required for facilitating others in their psychological and spiritual transformation and awakening. Whole-heartedly, I would suggest working with Melekai, for anyone seeking answers to life's sometimes confusing challenges and wanting to deepen their connection to Soul/Heart!

  • Kula Nardecchia

    Melekai's support as an Integrative Awakening facilitator has been one of the most consistent and lucrative resources for me during my time on the Big Island of Hawaii. She holds a very compassionate and safe container, and has supported me in cultivating more self love and to align my actions in my day to day life. Melekai holds a deep, loving and strong presence, which has become a gentle catalyst to my own heart-centered awakening and empowerment. Continuously growing with devotion to the work, Melekai is an outstanding facilitator and friend.